Drama and Trauma are Expensive, Chief.
The fire service loves to glorify trauma, but at what cost? From draining budgets on training and morale to losing lives, it’s time to stop romanticizing the pain and start focusing on viable solutions for firefighter resilience.
Mental Mapping: The Halligan of Stress Management Tools
You wouldn’t go into a burning building without having your favorite tool by your side. Now you can equip your department with the most versatile strategy to protect their minds from the emotional pitfalls of the job.
How to Build a Zero-Suicide Culture in Your Fire Department
Losing a firefighter to suicide is tragic. As a fire department leader, implement these three key strategies to strengthen your culture, offer easy solutions, and reduce the risk of catastrophic outcomes.
Is Stress Really What We Think?
The man who coined the term “stress” wasn’t even sure that it was a good decision. Now you can win the battle against this pervasive element of life by re-evaluating what you decide to call it.
Three Tactical Moves That Make Resilient People Unstoppable
What do truly resilient people do differently in life? It comes down to their ability to navigate their own mental maps with greater finesse and adaptability. Here are the three skills they employ to do just that.
Ambiguity: The Enemy of Mental Health Decisions
Ambiguity and uncertainty can exhaust us when we are trying to solve a problem. All therapeutic options require some degree of vetting for folks to decide whether they want to try them or not.
Self-Command: PPE for the Mind
Sooner or later, an unprotected mind will reveal its vulnerabilities. Self-command is one way to prevent these vulnerabilities from taking control in the first place. The concept is simple: be the chief of your mental environment.
It’s Not the Job, It’s Your People
Emergencies are predictively chaotic. The job of firefighting is relatively straightforward - wet stuff on red stuff. It’s the firefighter who introduces variability to the system.
The Myth of Resilience
Reactive strategies have a place on the spectrum of wellness solutions. However, relying solely on the manufactured stability of access to EAP, therapy, EMDR, or other modalities promotes overall fragility in the system.